Wednesday 14 May 2014

Getting in shape - my new challenge!

You may have seen my post last week about Secret Calorie Consumption (here), and since then I've been trying to get myself in gear ready for the summer. So I've set myself a challenge to lose a stone (at least) by my birthday which is now 11 weeks away. A healthy weight for my height is said to be between 9 and 11 stone and currently I am roughly 10.5 stone so I am near the top end of that scale so my aim is to get down to between 9-9.5 stone by the time I turn 24!

The main big changes I am making is to my diet. I've now sworn off cake, chocolate (and all sweets!), crisps and alcohol until I've reached my goal. My main issue is that I'll quite happily have a glass of wine or 3 on a Friday evening after work to relax and not think anything of it, but wine is so bad calorie-wise! I did a bit of research and found that a glass of wine is equivalent in calories to drinking a glass of cream, eurgh! So sadly that will have to be put on hold until my birthday celebrations. The other things I don't particularly eat a great deal of anyway but I will have them every other day or so and so could probably do without them. I'm hoping my boyfriend will be supportive of this as he LOVES Doritos and is always sat eating them and they tempt me in from time to time!!

I'll keep a diary tracking my progress, so any low points (I'm sure there will be times when I'll really want some chocolate!) and high points and more importantly how the weight loss is going. I'll make sure to include what I have been eating and exercise I have been doing and do a blog post once a week to keep you all updated! Fingers crossed I'll reach my target :)

So here goes! I started on Monday at 10.5 stone so next Monday I shall weigh myself again and let you know how I got on this week.

Are any of you doing similar things to get your body beach fit for the summer? All comments are very welcome!

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